SonarCloud using Azure DevOps – MFH LAB

  1. Create a new Azure DevOps Project if it doesn’t exists
  2. Import Repo to the Azure DevOps Project
  3. Import Procedure :

4.Create a New Pipeline

Select Classic Pipeline

Select a sources

Click on Azure Repos Git and select correct Repo from drop down, SonarCloud in our case.

Choose Empty Job templates

Add below tasks :

NuGet tool Installer

NuGet restore

Build solution 

VsTet – testAssemblies

Below are the tasks to select :


Task Settings

NuGet Tool Installer Task

Add Version No 

NuGet restore Task

Select the solutons file (.sln), by default **/*.sln is mentioned in tool, we can browse the Repo by clicking on 3 Dots.

Build Solution tool configuration

We can directly add values or use variables

Below are default variables, we need to add required

Below new variables can be added :

VsTest – testAssemblies Task

Leave default values

Login to SonarCloud

Url :

Click on Login > Login with Azure DevOps

Accept :

Register as public cloud to view project list.

Click on Import New Organization, Make sure the Organization name exists in Azure DevOps

Click on User image on right top 

Token : kujgnz7aubggo2pnehp53fzhuwlyisgushq2wmag6veixpy7mdbq

Provide Full Access

Make sure

Import Organization
Proceed with the free plan & click Create Organization
Click on Analyze Project 
Click on Configure Analysis

Click on Continue and copy token :


Service Connection

Add Service Connection Type “Sonarqube”
Choose Code type accordingly, in our case its .Net.
Add 3 Tasks mentioned as above in the Pipelines 

For the Pipeline, instead of Manually adding all the tasks, we can add by selecting .Net Desktop template

SonarCloud Pipeline Using Template

New Pipeline > Classic Editor

Select .NET Desktop with SonarCloud

Follow the Task 1 instruction in SonarCloud

Save & Run

As pipeline is successfully completed, Check SonarCloud for any Bugs & Issues

Found 3 Issues