For more detail or details of client and server Engine
$ docker version
For lesser docker version details
$ docker –version
To create a container
$ docker run -d –name ubuntujavacont myfuturrhub/ubuntu:
To get docker Logs
$ docker logs –details <container>namejira
For Registry logs (if registry is configured)
$ docker logs registry
To login to docker
$ docker login
docker images
$ docker ps
To pull docker image
$ docker pull docker.io/<user_name><repository_name>:Tag
To copy image with different tag name
$ docker tag docker.io/<user_name><repository_name>:Tag. docker.io/<user_name><repository_name>:New_Tag
To push docker container
$ docker push docker.io/<user_name>/<repository_name>:Tag
To let the container up and running
$ docker run -itd ubuntu
itd : Interactive Terminal detached mode
To Stop a container
$ docker stop <Container_ID>
To Start a container
$ docker start <Container_ID>
To restart a container
$ docker restart <Container_ID>
To Lists port mapping of container
docker port <container>
To suspends all processes in container
docker pause <container>
To unsuspends all processes in container
docker unpause <container>
To get in to container in attached mode
$ docker run -it buntu
To exit and close container
$ exit
$ ctrl+d
To exit container with out closing container
$ ctrl+p+q
To attach or get in to a container
$ docker attach <container_id>
To remove containers (use this responsibly)
$ docker rm <container_id>
To remove docker images
$ docker rmi <image_id>
To Copy files on container to docker host
$ docker cp copiyingfile:/file.txt .
To copy files on docker host to container
$ docker cp file2.txt <container_name>:/<dest_path>
To check history of image
$ docker history <image>:<tag>

$ docker pull repository_name:tag
To build Image from docker file
$ docker build -t <hub.docker_user_name>/image:tag_nae
Example :
$docker build -t myfuturehub/ubuntu:dockerfile .
To check docker network
$ docker network ls
To add a containter to a network
$ docker run -d –net=my_bridge –name db training/postgres
To attach existing container to a network
$ docker network connect my_bridge web
To delete all containers in one go -Note : Do Not Run this command in Production
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
To Kill a running container (use this command responsibly)
$ docker kill
Adding user to Docker Group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Docker user file will be updated at /var/run/docker.sock
Pushing and Pulling to and from Docker Hub (To get other public images to docker hub)
1st step : Tag the public repository
$ docker tag <Image_id> dockerusername/repositoryname:v0.1
2nd step : push the image
$ docker push dockerusername/repositoryname
To connect to a container
$ Docker exec <cotain_id>
Advantage of docker exec is with out even entering into container, we can execute commands
$ docker exec <container_id> ls
To come out of a container
Cntrl P Q
Docker inspect gives all the details of container :
- Details of cmd/s used to launch the container
- Details of the image used
- Details of Host Ports
- Details of Networks (Network type ex : bridge, IPAddress etc)
- Environment Variables in the container
- State of the container (Status, Error, StartedAt, FinshedAt etc)
Below command is to to see the CPU, Memory utilization of container
$ docker stats
To see container size, created date, status, ports etc
$ docker ps -s
P : Container size is typically the size of the image.
To permanently remove the container
$ docker rm
To see utilization of the system
$ docker system df
To delete all stopped containers
$ docker container prune
To see the activity of the container
$ docker logs <container_id>
To see live streaming
$ docker logs -f <container_id>
Other Basic Docker Commands :
To list live containers
$ docker ps
List all containers
$ docker ps -a
To Retrieves docker configuration
$ docker info

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