Sreekanth Adari posted an update in the group
Kubernetes discussion Group 4 years ago
Creating AKS failed at Validation due to quota issue.
{“code”:”InvalidTemplateDeployment”,”message”:”The template deployment ‘microsoft.aks-20201120125616’ is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is ‘c5ad6a42-6ed2-45cb-a63a-a5ade0757ed8’. See inner errors for details.”,”details”:[{“code”:”QuotaExceeded”,”message”:”Provisioning of resource(s) for container service BigDataK8Cluster in resource group BigDataRG failed. Message: {\n \”code\”: \”QuotaExceeded\”,\n \”message\”: \”Provisioning of resource(s) for container service BigDataK8Cluster in resource group BigDataRG failed. Message: Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved Total Regional Cores quota. Additional details – Deployment Model: Resource Manager, Location: eastus, Current Limit: 4, Current Usage: 0, Additional Required: 6, (Minimum) New Limit Required: 6. Submit a request for Quota increase at https://aka.ms/ProdportalCRP/?#create/Microsoft.Support/Parameters/%7B%22subId%22:%22fba10591-02cd-47f4-be8d-74ff766b712d%22,%22pesId%22:%2206bfd9d3-516b-d5c6-5802-169c800dec89%22,%22supportTopicId%22:%22e12e3d1d-7fa0-af33-c6d0-3c50df9658a3%22%7D by specifying parameters listed in the ‘Details’ section for deployment to succeed. Please read more about quota limits at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-supportability/regional-quota-requests.. Details: \”\n }. Details: “}]}
Business requirement : Ended up creating only 2 nodes instead of 3, ideally for business to have good redundancy and enough resources to balance the traffic/workload
Issue : From macbook terminal, unable to run kubectl commands even though aws cli is installed and loggied in using authorisded AMI account.
Solution :
Troubleshooting steps :
Installed awscli using below command
$ sudo -H pip install awscli –upgrade –ignore-installed six
Resolution :
Running below above “pip install” worked :
Now I was able to update and run kubectl commands
$eks update-kubeconfig –name mfheks2
My client is happy with this resolution.