How to selectively pickup commits from child branch
2.Git Amend
3. How to go back to previous version of code?
4.Remote Repository (Git hub)
How to selectively pickup commits from child branch
Git cherry-pick commit id commit id
Git Ammend
Git commit –amend -m “b”
How to go back to previous version of code?
Git reset-hard commit ID
How to selectively pick up the commits from child branch (Cherry-pick)
Command: git cherry-pick af7f4dc 6b8166d (commit id’s)
Git Amend: To change something slightly in order to make it better.
Command: git commit –amend -m “a”
How to go back to previous version of code:
Command: git reset –hard c9187df
Git Hub:
Git Hub repository acts as your remote repository. It is a storage space where your project lives. We can keep code files, text files, images or any kind of a file in a repository
Creating a Git Hub Repository:
- Go to the link. Fill the sign-up form and click on “Sign up for Git hub”.
- Click on “Start a new project”.