GANESH APPALABATTULA posted an update in the group
How can we access pods external to Kubernetes network ? 3 years, 6 months ago
In kubernetes Every pod can be accessed with in a cluster by using an IP address, Master IP , Nose IP
Below is the command :
Kubectl expose -pod name – name SVC1 –service port no. –target-port –Node portSVC – service name
Target port – pod number which we can’t to access -
Sreekanth Adari posted an update in the group
How can we access pods external to Kubernetes network ? 3 years, 6 months ago
We can make the pods access externally by exposing the pod as Node Port / Cluster IP / LoadBalancer
Below is the command :
$ kubectl expose –name –port –target-port –type ClusterIP / NodePort / LoadBalancer -