What is Jenkins.
Jenkins is self-contained. It is an open-source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
What is CI-CD.
CICD is the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment. CI/CD bridges the gaps between development and operation activities and teams by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications.
Stages in CI-CD
Continuous download – it downloads the source code the from github repository.
Continuous Build – it builds the Artifact,
Continuous Deployment – it deploys the Artifact from dev instance to QA instance it was continuous deployment
Continuous Testing,
Continuous Delivery.
Creating CI-CD Infrastructure in AWS
First you need to create 3 instances after that connect to terminal, update the apt repository then you need to enter command,
Sudo apt update
Sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y
Check java version java –-version and after that install Git & Maven.
Sudo apt-get install –y git maven
Check the version of git & maven
Git – git — version
Maven – Mvn – version
Install Jenkins in EC2 Machine
Download & install Jenkins, Jenkins.io/ jenkins download in google is the right website
When you download the .war file in cloud before you copy link you need to give wget link.
Java –jar Jenkins. War
After that copy the public ip and at last give 8080 port number, give the admin password, install suggested plugins
Give the credentials
How to run sample job in Jenkins
Click on new item, there 7 tabs are there to create Jenkins’s job, hit on build tab add note as Echo “hello” apply and save it.