MFH Labs : Azure DevOps

If you are planning to use Azure DevOps, it is mandatory to have understanding of Agent Pool. To build or run your code in a build pipelines you need Agents in Azure DevOps service. When you run a job in a build, Agent in Agent Pool support the process.

Go to project settings and click on Agent Pools. By default there are 2 pools exist.

Azure Pipelines hosted pool,(Each time you run a pipeline, you get a fresh virtual machine.)

You can manage these pools in Azure DevOps Yaml file as well

- job: Linux
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
- script: echo hello!


In Azure Pipelines, you can run parallel jobs on Microsoft-hosted infrastructure or on your own (self-hosted) infrastructure.

Default Pool — Use it to register self hosted agents that you can setup. You have to manage on your own.

Before you proceed further make sure you generate Access Token(PAT) beforehand. It is available in your profile settings.

Now move to the machine or system which is going to work. Install it using instructions given by Microsoft. While running it you have to provide few details so that it can configure itself.

--auth pat: – specifies your personal access token
--pool <pool> – pool name for the agent to join
--agent <agent> – agent name
--work <workDirectory> – work directory where job data is stored.

There are more options available to configure the same. Visit Doc –

Once you run the agent, check the status in Azure Console –