Design and Architecture

Problem Statement – Configure Monitoring alerts to grafana from cloudwatch metrics
Status – POC Completed
Solution : Implement Grafana with Cloudwatch metrics
Steps :
- Create a EC2 server into AWS console(Recommended Ubuntu OS)
- Install docker into it (Reference :
- Configure Grafana container into it using below command (docker run -d –restart always –name=grafana -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana)

- Expose 3000 port from EC2 machine
- Open the IP with :3000

- Default credentials for grafana would be admin:admin
- You can set the password which you like
- From AWS IAM create a user with programmatic access which is having Cloudwatch Full Access.

- In Grafana, Go to Configuration > Data Sources > Add new Data Source.
- Add Your Data Source name, Access Key, Secret Key, and Default region.
- Click on Test and Save.

- From Grafana dashboard find the Dashboard according to your usecase. (Link :
- Go to Dashboards > Import > Add Dashboard ID you found from above link and select your datasource.
- You will be able to see the dashboard as below