CDR Modernization Project Tracker, Client – T-Mobile, USA

ScheduleTicket IDWork SummaryDiscussion PointsAction ItemsRecording & Documenation – LMS Link (Only Enrolled members has access)ArchitectRemark
📅 Schedule : 6:45 PM IST, 14-Feb-2023Git Conflict & CICD Process flow optimizationOokla Project
Need a common reference to identify which commit is moving from NPE to Prod Deployment – PR No is referrence to identify the flow of a commit
Ex – feature A & Feature B is merged to Pre_Prod when merging to Pre_Prod, need Feature A or B commits to be picked respectively by Developer A & B to merge.
Solutions –
Use Cherry pick to select feature A’s or B’s commits as reqired and proceed to merge. – Tested this and its perfectly working fine to pick a particular commit to merge
Have a version in .jar files through pom.xml or by other means. – Yet to test but no more required.
Build should be triggered as part of the PR but Release pipeline should be triggered only when PR is Approved. – Yet to test trigger Release pipeline with 2 validations(Branch & PR Approval)
How to Avoid conflicts. By following the process
Notification to be sent to specifig group for all the activities for a particular Repo. Yet to configure
Have only one build artifact to be used to release.
Solution –
1. Have Release pipeline for Prod trigger with 2 validations (1. Build for Branch completion 2. PR Approval) – Yet to Test
✍️ Notification to be sent to specifig group for all the activities for a particular Repo.
✍️ Have Release pipeline for Prod trigger with 2 validations (1. Build for Branch completion 2. PR Approval)
Click : Git Conflict ResolutionSreekanth A
📅 Schedule : 8:00 PM IST, 16-Feb-2023Fine tune CICD Processes
👨‍🔧 Have a version in .jar files through pom.xml or by other means. – Yet to test but no more required.
👨‍🔧 Build should be triggered as part of the PR but Release pipeline should be triggered only when PR is Approved. –Release pipeline with 2 validations(Branch & PR Approval) –
👨‍🔧 Notification to be sent to specifig group for all the activities for a particular Repo.
– Notifications is a global setting and adding Reviers in the PR makes all PR approvers to receive.
– Yet to Explore on how team receive emails with out adding them as reviewer.
👨‍🔧 Have only one build artifact to be used to release – Yet to test.
✍️ Delete unwanted NPE Subscriptions except Azure.NPE.Quantum_AzureFunctions.
✍️ Yet to Explore on how team receive emails with out adding them as reviewer in Azure DevOps
— ✍️ There is a new DL created so this is an option to test and have sepereate DL for seperate feed if others shoulnt receive.
Click : Fine tune CICD ProcessesSreekanth A
📅 Schedule : 7:00 PM IST, 20-Feb-2023Optimizing jar Artifact Deployment Process to Non-Prod & Prod – 20-Feb-2023 CDR Modernization Project – Client – T-Mobile, USA👨‍🔧 Setup Production Release pipeline for GMLC. —————— COMPLETED
Production ADF Token : dapi2113065f082a653b803aefe21b5124f7

👨‍🔧 Have only one build artifact to be used to release – COMPLETED.

1. Check with Shalini & Lawrence and have the single jar picked in Production. – Sent email – COMPLETED
👨‍🔧 Build should be triggered as part of the PR but Release pipeline should be triggered only when PR is Approved. –Release pipeline with 2 validations(Branch & PR Approval) – Tested & Email to be sent to Developers.
👨‍🔧 Notification to be sent to specifig group for all the activities for a particular Repo.
– Notifications is a global setting and adding Reviers in the PR makes all PR approvers to receive. This is not ideal solution.
– Yet to Explore on how team receive emails with out adding them as reviewer.
— There is a new DL created so this is an option to test and have sepereate DL for seperate feed if others shoulnt receive.

👨‍🔧 Create tickets for Phase-II
– Notifications
– Single Jar file
– ACF or ADF Function Deployment
– Clean up unwanted Repos.
– Clean up unwanted Build & Release pipelines.
👨‍🔧 Send meeting maker to ACF team to kick start the new CICD Project.
👨‍🔧 Need to replace Personal t-mobile account Token to connect to Azure Functions App with Service Principle account token. – Write email to Jay.
👨‍🔧 Send meeting maker to Steve to discuss the usage of GMLC CICD pipeline.
– Gather details for productin ADF DBFS path.

👨‍🔧 Check and Delete Azure.NPE.Quantum_NPE_CICD_Common_function_test, Azure.NPE.Quantum_CICD_Azure_Function_cdrcicd
Click – Optimizing jar Artifact Deployment Process to Non-Prod & ProdSreekanth ARunbook Pending
📅 Schedule : 11:15 PM IST, 22-Feb-2023 (Wed)🔥🧯 Successfully fixed by troubleshooting Build & Release issues.There are two issues.
Issue 1 : Agent stopped build pipeline is waiting for available agents
*Root cause Server seems to be restarted.
Solution for Issue 1 Logged in to Windows 2019 Agent Azure VM Server and went to Agent folder 》type cmd in Explorer 》execute command run in command prompt
Now Agent went online and build pipeline is Successful
Issue 2 Release Pipeline failed with error _The remove server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Root Cause Token to access databricks expired after 90 days
Solution created new token which never expires and release pipeline for NPE (Non Production Environment) ran successfully.
Pending Tasks
ETL or Echolocate
👨‍🔧 Re-Configure Build Policy to have correct set of Approvers for Release Branch.
👨‍🔧 Databricks Bearer Token inside the DBFS Deploy task needs configured with Service Principals.
👨‍🔧 Build triggers shall be configured to exclude DDLs dir in the Source Code.
👨‍🔧 Publish the jars to Nexus using the full jar name to avoid conflicts.
👨‍🔧 Clean-up of unwanted or stale CICD Pipelines in Azure DevOps.
👨‍🔧 Email Notifications
👨‍🔧 Single Jar file discussion & implimentation with Shalini – Ookla Project
👨‍🔧 ACF or ADF Function Deployment
👨‍🔧 Clean up unwanted Repos.
👨‍🔧 Check and Delete service connections Azure.NPE.Quantum_NPE_CICD_Common_function_test, Azure.NPE.Quantum_CICD_Azure_Function_cdrcicd
Click – Build & Release falures due to Agent unavailability & Token expiry. respectivelySreekanth A
📅Schedule : 8:45-9:30 PM IST, 28-Feb-2023 👨‍🔧 Productionize Usage of one jar for Across all the environment in a deployment.*Ookla Project*
👨‍🔧 Create work item for ACF CICD Pipeline.
👨‍🔧  Productionize Usage of one jar for Deployment to NPE & Production
    👨‍🔧 Configure build pipeline for Release branch for Main or Upstream Repo
          Add yourself as Approver in PR_Approvers list —————-DONE
         – Rename azure-pipelines.yml to Azure-Pipelines-Pre_Prod.yml ——————– DONE
         – Update Pre_Prod build pipeline to choose Azure-Pipelines_Prod.yml ————- DONE
         – Create Azure-Pipelines_Prod.yml on Pre_Prod ——————– DONE
          – Raise PR to merge to Release branch. (Multiple Cherry picks)————– DONE
         – Create new Build pipeline for Release branch and choose Azure-Pipelines_Prod.yml – DONE
                To identify the path, Run a pipeline with the source as $(Pipeline.Workspace) to deploy to common_test_app. – DONE
                – Update the pipeline similar to testenv. Make sure to provide Right Source path to deploy. – DONE
                – Update Azure-Piplines_Prod.yml with the tasks 
                        1. Download Artifacts
                        2. Deploy to Azure Functions App
    👨‍🔧 Developer to Validate the deployment to test Function App 
    👨‍🔧 Update Production App Settings in the “Deploy Azure Functions App”
    👨‍🔧 Send email to test the deployment to Production.
    👨‍🔧 Set Azure Devops user permissions to restrict unauthorized memebers not to change the Build Policies.
Click – LMS Link
📅Schedule :
📅Schedule : Session1 on 2Mar23
Session2 on 2Mar23
📅Schedule : 6:45 PM IST, 7-Mar-2023👨‍🔧 CICD pipeline setup for ACF Project👨‍🔧 Developed pipeline and added Windows VM as agent to use.
👨‍🔧 Added Git copy diff plugin and ran the pipeline with failure.
👨‍🔧 Fix pipeline failure.Click ACF CICD Pipeline

missed to record.
📅Schedule : 6:30 PM IST, 9-Mar-2023👨‍🔧 CICD pipeline setup for ACF Project
📅Schedule: 10Mar23
📅Schedule: 15-Mar-23
📅Schedule: 16-Mar-23
📅Schedule: 17-Mar-23
📅Schedule: 3-April-23
📅Schedule: 7-April-23
📅Schedule: 10-April-23

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