There are 3 ways to run docker container
- f8e ground
- Back ground – Detached / Daemon
- Interactive
f8e ground
docker run nginx
docker run is a command to create new container out of an Existing Image.
Below is the container stopped containers
$ docker ps -a
docker run -d nginx
docker run -it alpine sh
To check the os with in a ubuntu container
Exec in to the container and run below command :
$ cat /etc/os-releases
To come out of a container
$ ctrl + PQ
To clear all the containers (Run this command responsibly)
$ docker rm -f `docker ps -aq
Below is the command to know any object in container / Image in container :
$ docker inspect <Container_ID>
Below is the command to stop container
$ docker stop <Container_ID>
Below is the command to start container
$ docker start <Container_ID>
To show utilisation of a container
$ docker stats
To come out of all the containers
ctrl + c
To check the space occupied by all the containers
$ docker ps -S

$ docker rm -f <container_Id>
To check the utilisation of docker on our system
$ docker system df
To delete all the stopped containers (Run this command responsibly)
$ docker container prune
To show list of all the containers on our system
$ docker ps -aq
Image is a set of read only layers, we can not update image once it is created.
We can run container using the image and edit with in the container.
Using one image we can run “N” number of containers.
To run ubuntu operating system in a container and enter in to it
$ docker pull ubuntu:16.04
$ docker run -it ubuntu:16:04 bash
Exec in to container and run below command to update.
$ apt-get update
To convert container as new Image
$ docker commit -m “This is MFH Image” <container_id>
To identify the images which are not part of any repository & tag
$ docker images -f dangling=true
Container Orchestration Tools :
- Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)
- Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- Docker Swarm
- Google Kubernetes Engine from GCP
- Kubernetes
- C8eos from COREOS
- Mesosphere marathon from DCOS / Marathon
- Cloud foundry’s Diego from Cloud foundry