Container Orchestration –
What is Docker container orchestration?

The Docker container orchestration tool, also known as Docker Swarm, can package and run applications as containers, find existing container images from others, and deploy a container on a laptop, server or cloud (public cloud or private). Docker container orchestration requires one of the simplest configurations.
This is the process of running docker containers in a distributed environment, on multiple docker host machines.
All these containers can have a single service running on them and they share the resources between each other, even running on different host machines.
Docker swarm is the tool used for performing container orchestration
1) Load balancing
2) scaling of containers
3) performing rolling updates
4) handling failover scenarios
Machine on which docker swarm is installed is called as manager.
Other machines are called as workers.
Lets create 3 machines
Name is as Manager, Worker1, Worker2
All the above machines should have docker installed in it.
Install docker using
( Optional step to change the prompt )
After installing docker in the 1st machine ( Manager ), Lets change the host name.
Host name will be available in the file hostname. We will change the hostname to manager.
# vim /etc/hostname
After changing the hostname, lets restart the machine
# init 6
Similary repeat the same in worker1 and worker2
Connect to Manager, install docker swarm in it.
$ sudo su –
Command to install docker swarm in manager machine
# docker swarm init –advertise-addr private_ip_of_manager
# docker swarm init –advertise-addr
Please read the log messages
Now, we need to add workers to manager
Copy the docker swarm join command in the log and run in the worker1 and worker2
Open another gitbash terminal, connect to worker1
sudo su –
# docker swarm join –token SWMTKN-1-0etsmfa26vreeytq278q8ohhi73il7j1lpnrzzlowuld1r8yex-9x04pjmiq85jxjzjayzlglh1c
Repeat for worker2
TO see the no of nodes from the manager
Manager # docker node ls ( we can see manager, worker1 and worker 2)
Load balancing:
Each docker container is designed to withstand a specific user load.
When the load increases, we can replica containers in docker swarm and distribute the load.
Ex: Start tomcat in docker swarm with 5 replicas and name it as webserver.
Manager# docker service create –name webserver -p 9090:8080 –replicas 5 tomee
( 5 conainers with the same service, distributed load in 3 machines)
How to see where thay are running?
Manager# docker service ps webserver
Lets take the note
Manager – 1 container
Worker1 – 2 container
Worker2 – 2 container
Note: Only one tomcat is running and load is shrared to 3 machines
Lets check
public_ip_manager:9090 ( Will show tomcat page )
public_ip_worker1:9090 ( Will show tomcat page )
public_ip_worker2:9090 ( Will show tomcat page )
Ex 2: Start mysql in docker swarm with 3 replicas.
Manager# docker service create –name mydb –replicas 3 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=sunil mysql:5
How to see where thay are running?
Manager# docker service ps mydb
To know the total no of services running in docker swarm
Manager# docker service ls
If you delete a container, it will create another container.
Manager# docker service ps mydb
We can see one container is running in Manager machine
I want to delete the container which is running in manager
Manager# docker container ls
( we can see 1 mysql container, 1 tomcat container )
Take note of the container_id of mysql
TO delete the container
# docker rm -f 67238f47bc60
Now lets check the mydb service
# docker service ps mydb ( we can see one service is failed, automatically 2nd service is started)
At anypoint of time, 3 container will be running.
Scaling of containers
When business requirement increases, we should be able to increase the no of replicas.
Similarly, we should also be able to decrease the replica count based on business requirement. This scaling should be done without any downtime.
Ex 3: Start nginx with 5 replicas, later scale the services to 10.
# docker service create –name appserver -p 8080:80 –replicas 5 nginx
# docker service ps appserver
Command to scale
# docker service scale appserver=10
To check
# docker service ps appserver
Now I want only two containers
# docker service scale appserver=2
To check
# docker service ps appserver
To remove a node from the docker swarm
Two ways
1) Manager can drain
2) Node can leave
To see the list of nodes
# docker node ls
# docker node update –availability drain Worker1
All the container running in Worker1 , will be migrated to Worker2 or manager.
# docker service ps mydb
# docker node ls
To add the node
# docker node update –availability active Worker1
# docker node ls
2nd Way ( Node can leave )
Lets Connect to worker2 from git bash
Worker2# docker swarm leave
TO see the list of services
# docker service ls
TO delete the services
Manager# docker service rm appserver mydb webserver
Rolling Updates
The services running in docker swarm, can be updated to any other version
without any downtime.
This is perfomed by docker swarm by updating one replica after another. This is called as rolling update.
Ex: Create redis 3 service with 6 replicas. Update from redis 3 to redis 4 version.
docker service create –name myredis –replicas 6 redis:3
To check the replicas
docker service ps myredis
To update
# docker service update –image redis:4 myredis
docker service ps myredis
I want to display running containers not shutdown containers
# docker service ps myredis | grep Shutdown ( We get shutdown container )
# docker service ps myredis | grep -v Shutdown ( -v used for inverse operation )
Performing rolling rollback , to downgrade to redis:3 version
# docker service update –rollback myredis
To check redis:3 is running with 6 replicas and other version are shutdown.
# docker service ps myredis
TO add new nodes, in future, we need to docker swarm join command.
To generate the command
# docker swarm join-token worker ( We will get the command )
docker swarm join –token SWMTKN-1-0etsmfa26vreeytq278q8ohhi73il7j1lpnrzzlowuld1r8yex-9x04pjmiq85jxjzjayzlglh1c
To add a new machine as a manager
# docker swarm join-token manager
docker swarm join –token SWMTKN-1-5wbamgr8x7gxabwtlm1j1i91bm5ilzotgna6bc0edubtwtjxi1-3jmzi67qdn5aawvielkcng2e4
If there are two managers, one will be leader
# docker node ls ( we can see who is the leader )
Decision of which is machine should be leader is automatic.
If one manager goes down, other manager automatically become leader.
To promote worker1 as a manager node
# docker node promote Worker1
To demote Worker1 and make him back as a worker
# docker node demote Worker1