In my clients environment Jenkins Cloud Agents are configured on Azure Kubernetes Cluster.
CI/CD piplelines using these Jenkins Agents stopped working as these agents went offline as AKS Cluster is unable to be connected.
With out resolving AKS connectivity issue we would like to configure create new Agents on different AKS cluster and let the CI/CD Pipeline jobs up and running.
We are trying to configure credentials for AKS on Jenkins, but test connection from Cloud configuration > Kubernetes > Kubernets details
I can solve this
Just share me link so that we can connect try to fix this issue
As discussed over screenshare, please find details on how to configure Azure credentials on Jenkins.
We were successfully able to create creadentials of AKS on Jenkins by using config file.
Here we habe to mention extension as .conf for the credentials to work.
We are successfully able to test connection at
Jenkins 》 Nodes and Agents 》 Configure Cloud 》 kubernetes 》kubernetes details 》 Test Connection
Now we created a test Jenkins pipeline…[Read more]