Master – Slave configuration
Same version of java should exist.
Master and slave should have password less SSH
Step 1: Create slave machine , connect to slave
1) Update the apt repository
sudo apt-get update
2) sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y
3) Check the Java Version
java -version
We need to establish password less connection between Dev server and Slave machine
Connect to slave
7) Check you user
$ whoami ( ubuntu )
8) set password for ubuntu user
syntax: sudo passwd <user_name>
Ex: sudo passwd ubuntu
enter password
$ cd /etc/ssh
$ ls ( we get list of files ) Look for sshd_config
To edit sshd_config
$ sudo vim sshd_config
Go to insert mode
) change password authentication to yes
13) Save and quit :wq
14) Restart the service
$ sudo service ssh restart
Lets test the connection
15) Connect to the development server ( Master )
16) connect to slave server through dev server
ssh ubuntu@private_ip_slave_machine
$ ssh ubuntu@
exit ( to come back to master )
17) To connect to slave without password
$ ssh-keygen ( In master)
18) copy the keys to slave server
ssh-copy-id ubuntu@private_ip_slave_server
ssh-copy-id ubuntu@
19) now we are able to connect to the slave user without password
$ ssh ubuntu@
Download slave.jar in slave machine
sudo wget
Check the file is download or not
$ ls
check the file permissions
$ ls -l
we want rwxrw-r–
3) Give execute permissions of this file
sudo chmod u+x slave.jar
4) Create an empty folder which will work like workspace for jenkins to use on the slave machine
$ mkdir workspace
$ cd workspace
$ pwd ( note the path of the workspace )– /home/ubuntu/workspace
Creating node in Jenkins
Open the dashboard of jenkins
manage jenkins — manage nodes
7) Click on new node —- node name – Myslave
– select permanent agent
Remote root directory -/home/ubuntu/workspace
Label – Slave_lab
10) Go to Launch method
Select Launch agent via execution of command on the controller
11) In Launch command
ssh ubuntu@private_ip_of_slave java -jar slave.jar
ssh ubuntu@ java -jar slave.jar
13) Click on save
Configure job to run on slave
14) Select Testing Job
15) Go to Configure –> General Tab
17) Check Restrict where this project can be run
18) Enter Label Expression ( Slave_lab)
Apply —> Save
Run the job, In console output, we can see the job is executed in slave machine